heritage, history and archaeology

Rummey Design is accustomed to working with heritage-sensitive and archaeological sites. Our approach is to understand the asset, respect it and develop designs where the heritage can impart new value.

Heritage is helpful in new development - it gives a sense of 'rootedness' and richness. This is especially valuable in new residential developments where contemporary design can be balanced with a maturity which would otherwise be absent. The preservation of Heritage is valuable for educational, cultural and commercial reasons.

Heritage should be treated as a positive force in development.

our role

We work with a range of heritage specialists and Historic England has frequently been our client. Projects range from development and fundraising work at Dover Castle (a Scheduled Ancient Monument to The Coventry Phoenix Initiative where we worked for several years with the County Archaeologist.

In Coventry we uncovered, conserved and interpreted major archaeological finds. At Bletchley Park the sensitivities were 20th century ones. How to display delicate structures and artefacts to a growing and digitally-savvy audience? A birthplace of computing is linked directly to our digital future.

In a more conventional role within the residential sector, we routinely research and incorporate heritage features and artefacts into our designs. This assists in the consultation, design and marketing of property-based projects.

Our work has featured in two independent television 'TimeTeam' programmes and has attracted widespread media interest.

our work